Thursday 13 November 2014

Maps are not only big confusing objects used to torture us in Geography class

Maps are not only big confusing objects used to torture us in Geography class. Thanks to having them, we can get a better idea of how big the world is, how historical and economical events influence it… And also, according to some cute women on TV, where it’s going to rain.
Maps can also be used to question random people on the street and laugh about how little they learned in school. In the case of some maps here, we also get idea of how stereotypes mark places we only have the vague idea exist. See what we mean…

1. National stereotipes mapped perfectly.
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We guess, still knowing that Europe is not a country, and USA has more than one state is some comfort…

2. The World According to Americans
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3. The World According to Americans who know how their fellow-countrymen see the world.
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4. USA as seen by somebody called Common Sense
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5. South America seen through the eyes of even more stereotypes.
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6. The World according to an anonymous alcoholic.
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7. The world atlals described by somebody who’s never seen an atlas before, but knows that there are different territories?
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8. World map of prejudice.
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9. America vs. all the Commies
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10. World resource map (if Santy Claus is considered a resource…)
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11. USA vs. The World of Dictatorship
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12. Phew, at least somebody knows something about geography.
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13. How San Francisco sees the World
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14. How Regan sees the World.
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