Thursday 12 November 2015

Apartment 17 billion in Tehran

The expensive houses always have some special facilities to increase the value of property.
Sometimes ago, a house was exposed for sale in one of buying property websites that has unbelievable and high price. In addition, we will know more with this house and its price.
Tehran as the capital of country has special economic condition and some prices caused to man wear horn.
These prices are started from 1 billion cars to several tens of billion houses.

Monday 9 November 2015

Cowardly and most harrowing chase! 16 + / Photo

Cowardly and most harrowing chase! 16 + / Photo

Sunday 8 November 2015

Photos wife and daughter Iraj Tahmaseb

Photos wife and daughter I. T

Sahar Qureshi and Attaran cast film / photo

Sahar Qureshi and Attaran cast film / photo

Sunday 25 October 2015

10 Carpets precious and exquisite world + Photo

 -The Tabriz Carpet-$68,500 USD , Fereghan Sarouk-$74,500 USD.
-Portuguese Armorial-$80,500 USD
-Mohtashem Kashan Carpet-$100,000 USD
-Ziegler Mahal Carpet-$98,500 USD
-Isfahan Carpet-$116,500 USD
-Ushak Rug-$158,500 USD
-Ziegler(2) Mahal Carpet-$170,500 USD 

-Ziegler Mahal Carpet (3)-$182,500 USD , Silk Isfahan Rug-$4,450,000

1. The Tabriz Carpet-$68,500 USD

9. Fereghan Sarouk-$74,500 USD.

8. Portuguese Armorial-$80,500 USD

7. Mohtashem Kashan Carpet-$100,000 USD

6. Ziegler Mahal Carpet-$98,500 USD

5. Isfahan Carpet-$116,500 USD

4. Ushak Rug-$158,500 USD

3. Ziegler(2) Mahal Carpet-$170,500 USD

2. Ziegler Mahal Carpet (3)-$182,500 USD

10. Silk Isfahan Rug-$4,450,000

Saturday 24 October 2015

This photo has been translated in the virtual world with different languages and playing.

This photo has been translated in the virtual world with different languages and playing.

Tuesday 9 June 2015

Who was killed in a car Forough

Who was killed in a car Forough

Sunday 7 June 2015

Unparalleled courage of Iranian hijab girl in front of a government building

It is commonly assumed that those involved in the Revolution were a bunch of Islamists whose sole desire was guarding religious values and implementing Islamic ordinances. On the contrary, the Iranian Revolution was a culmination of diverse political ideologies and principles. The reason that Islamists seized power is still a hot subject for both academic and nonacademic roundtables. However, now is the moment to not focus on causes, but to concentrate on effects. 

It is a historical fact that the woman question was not part of the revolutionaries' political agenda. Only a few months after the Revolution, in March 1979, Ayatollah Khomeini decreed mandatory hijab. Many Iranian women, who were also active in the Revolution, from diverse social classes, poured into the street protesting what soon became the law of the land. Their male comrades, however, didn't offer them enough support; they believed the time was not appropriate. Instead, they reasoned for solidarity with the new government in order to show a united front before their national and international enemies. Consequently, wearing hijab became obligatory, and the lack of it punishable under the law.

This was not the end of the story. Gradually the government's propaganda, policies, and policing of women's hijab increased. Police harassed women in the streets for" bad-hijabi"-- or not observing a proper hijab, became a routine occurrence. From the Iranian government's perspective, the restrictions were not so effective. Day by day, women were letting more hair fall out of their headscarves; they were dressing in public with tighter manteau (overcoats) and pants -- all the while aware that they might become the prey of Iran's morality police. By these simple, yet consistent acts of defiance, women were disobeying a law they found both unfair and discriminatory. There was no direct political agenda or modus operandi connecting these women. It was a social and political act of defiance, culminating in a nebulous and dynamic movement against compulsory hijab.

Since 1979, the Iranian government has made hijab an emblem of its religious and political identity. Iranian women covered by black chadors became the visual symbol of not only the Islamic government but also as a representation of the ideal type of Iranian women. The government was successful in disseminating distorted images of Iranian women's lifestyles by denying the existence of many others who did not wear chadors or believe in hijab. This state representation has been highly effective. Even today, the chador and hijab are the most common markers of Iranian women broadcast in both Western media and Iran's state-run television, IRIB.

Here neither Europe nor America, a dedicated gym Khuzestan Steel / Photo

Here neither Europe nor America, a dedicated gym Khuzestan Steel / Photo

Friday 5 June 2015

Luxury living in Tehran

Luxury living in Tehran

Thursday 4 June 2015

Lean the funeral of Imam Khomeini photos

Lean the funeral of Imam Khomeini photos